ross f. calimlim

this site

is built with 11ty, a lightweight static site generator. Eleventy seemed to be the lightest and most flexible way to focus on content first. An ancillary goal is to eventually get into the 10kb club, which means keeping the landing page zipped bundle size under 10kb.

All to say, this site uses no front-end JavaScript at all--reducing client-load and decreasing network latency/load times!

I use GitHub actions to automate the build process is as follows:


Source code for this site is available here: GitHub. The following dependencies are automatically pulled from the package.json file.

app dependencies:

dev dependencies:



AWS Cloudfront automatically compresses files over 1000 bytes in size. Here are the compression stats for this site's pages. Because many of the files are relatively small, its original and compressed sizes might be the same. These values are automatically generated on every build, which fails if the landing page is too big.

page sizes in various states of compression (bytes)

page orig gzip brotli
home 3365 2122 1797
about 1287 675 483
resume 6109 2231 1668
site 4593 1693 1292